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2nd Devision Battle Cruiser - FIRST LOOK auf StarTrek.com

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2nd Devision Battle Cruiser - FIRST LOOK auf StarTrek.com Empty 2nd Devision Battle Cruiser - FIRST LOOK auf StarTrek.com

Beitrag von Cut Mo Jul 07, 2014 9:44 pm

Und auch zum vorerst letzten neuen Schiff für das Dominion gibt es eine  - bereits durch BGG Threads komplett gespoielerte - offizielle Preview auf Star Trek.com:

Welcome back to the second of StarTrek.com's exclusive First Looks at NECA/WizKids Games’ tactical space combat miniatures game Star Trek: Attack Wing. Today, we are looking at the contents of the Dominion 2nd Division Cruiser Expansion Pack, which will be available in July as part of the Star Trek: Attack Wing Wave 6 release. At 34 points, players will have plenty of room to add a Jem’Hadar Attack Ship to their fleet so they can benefit defensively thanks to the ship’s special ability. With Keevan as captain, a player will be able to prioritize their targets and get the ability to shoot before the opponent has a chance to fire while Weyoun will allow a player that crucial turn or two needed to set up the most opportune attack.

Next we will look at Gul Dukat who introduces the Admiral mechanic to Star Trek: Attack Wing. Admiral Cards are double-sided cards: players may choose to use the Captain side to assign the card as a Captain of a ship or they may assign the card as the Admiral of their fleet. When assigned to a ship, the Admiral provides a Skill modifier to that ship’s Captain as well as the ability to field additional Elite Talent upgrades. An Admiral also provides a Fleet Action to your build that can be used by any ship within Range 1-3 of the Admiral’s ship. An Admiral also provides some protection from the Communication Failure and Injured Captain critical damage cards.

Shifting our focus to Crew upgrades brings more Jem’Hadar to light. Remata’Klan can be discarded to increase your Captain’s Skill Number as well as attack potential if you find yourself outnumbered. Lamat’Ukan will be helpful when you need to shift your focus mid-battle and shift a Target Lock to a more pressing target. Defensively, Amat’Igan will help keep your ship and crew safe.

When it comes to outfitting your Jem’Hadar ships, players will welcome the addition of the Phased Polaron Beam which ignores the opponent’s shields. For those who like using torpedoes, the one-two combination of Photon Torpedoes and Volley of Torpedoes will be an interesting way to fill two Secondary Weapon Upgrade slots. Equipping your ship with a Sensor Array will allow a Scan token to have some defensive capabilities. While attempting the Evacuate The Station mission, players will see the value of the Unnecessary Bloodshed Elite Talent as they build their 200 point fleet to prevent the activation of the Federation self-replicating mine field.

Quelle: http://www.startrek.com/article/first-look-2nd-division-cruiser

Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans.
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Der Spieleblog auf dem ich aktuell poste: StarTrek-AttackWing.de

Anzahl der Beiträge : 7701
Anmeldedatum : 17.10.13
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2nd Devision Battle Cruiser - FIRST LOOK auf StarTrek.com Empty Re: 2nd Devision Battle Cruiser - FIRST LOOK auf StarTrek.com

Beitrag von Ebbi Mo Jul 07, 2014 11:10 pm

Die ist aber schon ein bissel älter, hab da schon den Thread zu gemacht.

Anzahl der Beiträge : 547
Anmeldedatum : 13.01.14
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2nd Devision Battle Cruiser - FIRST LOOK auf StarTrek.com Empty Re: 2nd Devision Battle Cruiser - FIRST LOOK auf StarTrek.com

Beitrag von Cut Mo Jul 07, 2014 11:12 pm

Jopp. Danke für's verlinken.

Wollte das eben auch in den News haben Smile

Life is what happens while we're busy making other plans.
Cut als Spielerezensent:
Der Spieleblog für den ich geschrieben habe - www.weiterspielen.net - über STAW und mehr...!
Der Spieleblog auf dem ich aktuell poste: StarTrek-AttackWing.de

Anzahl der Beiträge : 7701
Anmeldedatum : 17.10.13
Alter : 45


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